I can’t do that!
Vacation in Denmark. Vast plains, steep dunes that rise just a few meters behind the sandy beach. On one of our first evenings, we strolled around until we reached one of these dune cliffs. Fortunately, the grassy path allowed me to drive right to the edge with my wheelchair.
Having arrived I enjoyed the view – the sea, the sandy beach, the waves and the unbelievable silence. Right next to our lookout steep wooden stairs led to the beach, but they were closed up for safety reasons.
In spite of that fact, my husband tried to entice me into standing on the platform of this stairway in order to take a photo of the two of us. The platform of course was safe and not at all in need of repair. But … it was locked up through a wooden board. Not a problem for a healthy person – just bend down or climb over it and you are on the other side. Only, that is something I can’t do. If I try to squat down my legs will give way and I find myself on the floor. Climbing over an obstacle that is waist-high? Unimaginable! That’s what I explained to my husband, but he had an idea how it would be possible for me to get to the other side. With an uneasy feeling and a lot of whining I finally agreed to give it a try. Leaning against the barrier with my back, I slowly bent my knees while my husband held me from behind the plank and tentatively pulled me under the barrier to the other side and then helped me to raise my body again. All I needed was some courage and faith in my husband and his idea; and it worked!
Perhaps you find yourself facing situations from time to time that urge you to say: “I can’t do that”. And ultimately, you wouldn’t be able to do it on your own. But there are others around you. Friends that offer you help and by doing that are willing to give away some of their time and energy simply as a gift to you. The colleague who is more than willing to assist you with a difficult task. The neighbor who has no problem to watch your kids for an hour because you have a doctor’s appointment. The co-worker who would love to take over a new task and has just waited for someone that thinks he is capable of doing it. The question is: Are you willing to let them help you out? Do you trust, that they will love to be there for you? Are you able to let go and have faith in the other person’s capability? It’s worth it.
I for one gained some experience, had a little adventure and now have some really nice photos.