Angels on wheels
The doorbell rings. My husband opens it and I hear a friendly voice saying: “I’m your meals on wheels!”
What had happened?
Almost two weeks earlier, I was going about my routine in the bathroom when the grab handle I had just been holding on to came completely loose from the wall and I hit the floor hard. It hurt and I was glad that my husband came back home just at that moment. He was able to help me up from the floor – not for the first time.
It only became clear days later that I had broken a vertebra during this incident.
The instructions from my doctor and physiotherapist were clear: no sitting, no standing. Only lying down and walking. This threw our everyday life into disarray at first, because I usually do some household tasks from my wheelchair. Cooking, for example. But now even the wheelchair was passé for me.
That meant even more work for my husband. These thoughts were quite overwhelming at first.
But then we experienced the blessing of being part of a community and a family. Suddenly, there were people who supported us by cooking for us from time to time – angels on wheels as I called them.
Another joined me one morning so that my husband could go out for some time. While we had good conversations, she wrapped Christmas presents for me, which I could no longer do.
My granddaughter showed me her love by drawing me lots of pictures, explaining their meaning and leaving me “Flauschi” so that the plushie could keep me company.
She decorated our Christmas tree together with her mom – an old family tradition, so that it was really festive in our living room.
I am moved by the love and time that all these people invest. What a blessing to have people who support me in times of need and beyond. Who pray for me. This difficult situation, which admittedly raises many questions in me, is so also a precious experience where I realize: You are not alone!
Have you discovered your angels yet?