Earning grace
This title sounds odd. And yet, in my real life experience it’s what I try to do on many occasions …
A few weeks ago, I blew it. We were sitting together in a meeting and seemingly out of nowhere a hurtful statement slipped out of my mouth that was just not nice and wounded some people. I immediately realized what I had done and apologized directly and again at the end of the meeting.
But the damage was done. Being the leader of the group made things even harder.
It took some soul searching and thinking to realize, why I had made that statement. Which was good in a way, as it led me to some very enlightening conclusions and answers I had been searching for a long time. Yet, my heart was having a hard time forgiving myself for my choice of words in such a setting.
And so, these inner voices started condemning and accusing me. I felt bad. My conscience weighed heavy on me and I felt like I had to earn my way back to God.
My head on the other hand knew, that I had asked God and the other people for forgiveness. I knew that was all I could do in light of what God’s word says. Everything I could do according to 1 John 1,9. And I realized: I am still trying to earn my way to heaven. I am still trying to add my own works to the work of Christ in order to be reconciled with God.
But there is no need for that. In fact: It diminishes the precious work of Christ on the cross. That is not something I wish to convey with my life. Because: God’s gift of grace is enough! So be encouraged: God’s grace and forgiveness are all you need.