Just today
I’ve had enough! I can’t takt it anymore! It’s just too much! Why doesn’t God help me? How much more do I have to endure?
These are the voices inside of me. I’m in the middle of a very hard season. Next to all the symptoms and restrictions that are part of the MS, next to stomach problems and a urinary tract infection – again, next to all kinds of allergies and restless legs, my hands are also hurting today. My fingers and joints to be precise.That’s pulling me down. My hands are the one part of my body that help me to do at least a little bit of practical work. Now they are hurting with almost every movement and touch. Will that be taken from me as well? My mood hits rock bottom and has taken my zest for life and my strength of believe down with it. I am fighting to not completely lose my courage.
But all of a sudden, I am reminded of an incident that happened years ago. That’s what occurred back then as far as I remember. It was one of those mornings where I was extremely distressed. I was worrying what in the world would be lying ahead of me and it was robbing me of any hope. I was still sitting on the edge of my bed and hadn’t even really started the day, when I told God desperately that I couldn’t go on any longer, that the fear of what lays ahead of me seemed too big and that I can’t make it. That’s when I heard the soft voice of God whispering to me: “Will you be able to handle today?” That was a question I was able to answer with a “yes”. And God replied: “Just today, Karen, just today.”
„Just today “, that is true for your situation as well, a situation that might make you desperate right now. You do not have to accomplish what lays ahead of you in the distant future. You only have to manage today. You only have to cope with the worries of this day, master the tasks of today and deal with the crisis of the present day. Just today! Jesus talked about this in the gospel of Matthew, saying that each day has enough trouble of its own and that we therefore are not to worry about tomorrow (Matthew 6,34). A good advice! I think I should make that my life motto! Just today!