Let go and let God

A miserable night lies behind me. Worries about a difficult situation in our lives with many questions have a firm grip on my thoughts, even at night. How are we supposed to proceed wisely? In the morning, I receive a phone call that leaves me somewhat perplexed because I need to find help for someone quickly, but my attempts to solve the problem are initially unsuccessful.

Triggered by the thoughts of the night, I look for answers on the Internet. Only: I don’t like the answers at all and my fears of the night only increase. Everything inside me is in turmoil. My heart is pounding like crazy and my blood pressure is higher than usual. After my obligatory midday nap, I go outside to do my walking workout.

And that’s where I finally find the solution. No, not a solution that solves all my problems at once. But: I am confronted with good insights. And with questions.

Why am I actually driving myself so crazy, I ask myself. Isn’t the God who has so often miraculously provided solutions in our lives still the same God today? And I can start to let go. To let go of aspirations. To let go of fears of perceived injustices and focus on the one who is in control – God.

Suddenly I feel peace again. And I know that this is the right way. Because what brings me peace can only be good.

Let go and let God.

This brings me full circle, because a verse from Psalm 46 has been occupying and encouraging me for the last few weeks: Be still and know that I am God (Psalm 46:10). I sometimes have to remind myself of this verse several times a day. But it is incredibly valuable to me because it turns my gaze away from myself and my situation towards the God who has everything under control.


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