
We “walk” along the little frequented beach of the fjord. I’m pleased that my wheelchair can actually drive here and that I can once again enjoy the feeling of a “walk on the beach”. It feels good: the sun, the warmth, the wind, the waves, the cries of the seagulls …

We walk along the shore for a while, stop and watch the setting sun. When we finally go back, we are a little surprised. I had driven quite close to the water because the sand there was firmer and therefore passable for me. But now my tracks from the way there are suddenly in the water. Then it became clear to us: the tide had risen imperceptibly and the water had moved at least a meter closer to the shore.

A few days later, we are walking along the same stretch of beach. Strange, I think, you can see tracks in the sand today that are similar to the tracks left by my wheelchair. At first, we assume that there is someone in a similar vehicle somewhere ahead of us, until we realize it: No, these are still “my” tracks from a few days ago. Very cool, we think.

That’s how your life and mine is too. No matter what you do, no matter who you talk to – you leave traces. Sometimes it seems that the traces of your life are quickly wiped away again by events, by seemingly being forgotten or by the stamp of unimportance. After all, the world keeps on turning. But is that really the case? We often leave imperceptible traces in other people’s lives. Traces that are still visible years later. In a sense, we decide for ourselves what kind of traces these are. We can choose the good and thus ensure that, even when we ourselves are no longer on earth, our loving actions, our love, our prayer, our devotion and our kindness will be remembered by others, leave their mark on their lives and guide them on good paths. That is my wish.

Transmission can take some time. Thank you for your patience.