Fogged vision
We have a special room in our house, where we like to have breakfast or lunch in, whenever the weather and the temperatures allow. Sitting at the table, one has a wonderful view into unobstructed landscape and the Upper Middle Rhine Valley. On some days, especially in autumn we can have a somewhat impressive sight. We sit at our table, the first rays of sunshine are warming us, the air is clear and we enjoy the nice view. From the Middle Rhine Valley however, fog is ascending – thick like a white wall of clouds in the distance. (You can watch this impressive view in the drone video below). People living in the valley – and I know some of them personally – thus have at the very same moment I enjoy sunshine and a clear view, a completely fogged vision. They don’t know that actually the sun is shining just a little distance away. Luckily, on most days the sun comes through eventually, so that the people in the valley can enjoy the sun as well.
I think this is an interesting picture for many situations in my life. Many times, there are a lot of questions on my mind – questions concerning my future or the future of people I love. There are questions about health, provision, the global situation with all it’s crisis and wars and so on.
While these questions are hunting me, I feel like I am walking around in the fog.
God on the other hand has the total overview. Contrary to mine, his vision is never clouded, but he knows exactly how things will unfold. And unlike me, who just sits at the breakfast table enjoying the sun, God is the one who directs your and my destiny and says: I will advise you with My eye upon you. (Psalm 32,8 ©NASB2020)